sorry, this one is boring too. hmm, maybe i should tell a little story.......once upon a time, there was a lonely gecko, who didn't like purple squids..... ahh, actually, how about i DON'T tell a story? Yeah, that sounds good to me. well, ihope everyone is enjoying their 3-day weekend. i sure am! maybe if i'm lucky, i'll go see pirates. or not. have you seen the fan flashes on here yet? watch them, and see if you can tell me the name of the song used for the parts where hayate dancesfor, like, 3 seconds. I like that song, whatever that guy is saying! here is a pic of Hayate, in case you don't know who he is, plus the lyrics( yes, this pic is by Snowdragon)lemme know in the comments if you know1 Byebye!!