Friday, April 27, 2007

Hello again!

Well, here i sit, typing in my new sound ninja forehead protactor. yeah, Ben got it for me for my birthday. it's SHINY!!!!!!!Mwahahahahahaha!!!!! oddness aside, though, its kinda fun to go around getting weird looks from random strangers .tee hee.Well, i think thats pretty much all i wanted to say. yaeh, i know, that wasn't much, and it was all lame, but humor me!


sportsO'mania94 aka tArYn said...

hey.... what's up?

Lani Olsen/Dim sum girl said...

nutin much, just wishin that my house had air conditioning......I think i'm melting

Mr. Edward Cullen said...


evilbagelchipOFDOOM said...

well you could always fill up the bathtub with cold water and lay in there, and chris, em said your name a LAIM!!!