Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Yay, It's wednesday!!! Yay!!(Blah!)

well, a typical wdnesday. I did my homework, went to music lessons ,and i have my weekly babysitting job tonite.Babysitting actually pays almost as much as my job at the pool. go figure. anyways, i had to dissect a fetal pig today. it was emotionally draining, i must say( ok, I actually bawled my eyes out and couldn't bring myself to take a scalpel to the little piggy-I looked away while my mum did the actual cutting and snipping.) I guess that being a doctor or a vet is completely out of the question now. ugh.well. i will most likely spend my nite playing cinderella with the kids i'm sitting( guess who get's stuck being the evil step mother. i asked why i couldn't be the fairy godmother, but the girls said NO.) I love little kids!!!


Mr. Edward Cullen said...

0.o some pple need lifes

Anonymous said...

like u!!!!

no1narutard said...

sigh lani do u even chek your own blog?

no1narutard said...


Anonymous said...

Fetal pigs are pretty cute. They have all those little hairs and snouty little snout. Plus those velvety little ears. Your mother must be extremely cruel to be able to just cut up that little critter. It was dead first, right?

Mr. Edward Cullen said...

who's anonymous...someone who can spell, has good grammer (judgin on the periods and capitalized letters)...hmmm..

evilbagelchipOFDOOM said...

hmmmmmm.... richmund?

Lani Olsen/Dim sum girl said...

who do i know who has good spelling and grammer??!!!

Anonymous said...

Umm... could someone elxplain this to me? I'm completely lost.... @_@;?