well, i survived yet another road trip to San Francisco. yes, my sanity is still intact after long hours of passing hills and cows(moooooo)
we did the usual:hike,hang out at the neighborhood quickly(Boba!!!),and ate aewsomw chinese food! i think Ben brought home at least 3 diving knives he was given(oh dear). well, i stopped off at the same little anime/manga store in chinatown as the last trip, this time with all everyone(everyone being my family and all the fukudas, plus a few others).i was greeted back enthusiastically by the staff(i spent quite a bit last visit)and, all the boys proceeded to shop til they drop( normally i shop until they drop)
well, things are already back to normal here at home (whatever that means) i went back to work at the pool this morning, and finally got this years work suit! yes! last year's was getting saggy and stretched out until it was, um hem hem, you get the picture.anyway, work has started, which means the beginning of my summer, so yay!
oh, and here's a picture i did on flash just as a practice for drawing with the mouse, but i think it isn't too awful.
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