Yay!!!!!!! bobagirl's a college kid! i'll be starting at a community college in a few weeks(those of you who know me know of where i speak) it's been fun, and i already know quite a few people from various places; even from work! it's been pretty fun so far, and i've met a lot of new friends-unfortunately, almost all of them are guys.
"unfortunately?!", you say."what's wrong with guy friends?!"
well, i'll tell you: eating lunch with them. they play table hockey with my carrot sticks and a bottle cap, they drink 'shots' of monster energy drinks and vibrate the rest of the day(seriously-it's kinda creepy, and they eye my yogurt with suspicion. they've labeled me a 'granola girl', which is entirely fictitious- i DO shave my legs.
oh well, they're fun to hang out with! we have fun hanging out and talking about what we plan to do for the fall semester. we'll see if anything works out the way we hope.......(shout out to xxxluckyxxx- i miss you come back soon, so i can beg for your help with college life!)
oh, this is for Code_gir:What character from harry potter will you miss the most? tell me in the comment thread! i'll try to create a poll for this, but if i don't manage it, post in the comments thread.
now to change the subject("and now for something completely different!") WARNING: THIS PARAGRAPH IS A NARUTO SPOILER, FOR THOSE WHO WATCH THE ANIME. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!TOBI-SAN!!!!! OMG!!! i can hardly believe it!!!Ninjatomomi and i wigged out together for about 5 minutes after reading chapter 364!TobiTobiTobi!!funny,AND an evil genius! i respect that kind of talent(My brother has that gift too)anyhoo, i was surprised that the evil leader guy wasn't yondaime! i was so sure, and it would have made a lovely plot twist! ok, sorry 'bout that-i'll finish off with some irrelevent artwork(P.S. looking for a new anime to watch? Try 'Ouran Highschool Host Club'! it's sooo funny!ok, i'm done)
Hey congrats on entering college and good luck (you'll need it). And of course I choose dobby... I told ya that before and you gotta do something to advertise your blog... don't see many here... except me. Hmmm... any ideas? Maybe your appealing to the wrong crowd. Well anyway, I'm tire, sleepy and very hungry (my siblings raided my personal fridge). So I will come back to comment later after a much needed rest *yawns* nighty night -.- ZzZzZZZZZzZZZzzzZZzZzZZZZZzzzz.....
doo doo doo yay hip hipness horray! 4 lani
ur posts are to long and u noe we all hav a.d.d
i will miss snape, he was sooooo emo, i culd relate lol
hey, we got your sketch board thing today,
wow lots of words...
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